Plan Selection

3 Simple Steps That You Should Take for Easier Retirement Plan Administration

3 Simple Steps That You Should Take for Easier Retirement Plan Administration

Is your retirement plan too complex and taking a lot of your time? If it’s too complicated for you, it will definitely be too difficult for your employees to understand. And if it's not easy for them to understand, then you are missing key pieces. Your retirement plan is too valuable not to put the right parts totally in place.

Understanding the critical differences between Faith-Based and Secular Retirement Plans

Understanding the critical differences between Faith-Based and Secular  Retirement Plans

The subject of retirement plans tends to be so overwhelmingly ”secular” that little thought has gone into this subject. Is there even such a thing as a faith-based retirement plan? And if there is, what does it look like and how is it different from a secular retirement plan?

Why Ministries Should Consider a 403(b) Plan

Why Ministries Should Consider a 403(b) Plan

Today 403(b) plans provide significant benefits and advantages for churches, parachurch, and mission sending organizations.

Since Christian ministries have different and unique needs, it's important to tailor any retirement plan and to be aware of the tax code and the department of labor rules. Not only to be aware but to benefit from them.

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